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英语教案-A doctor for animals

浏览次数: 138次| 发布日期:06-12 13:10:49 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 英语教案-A doctor for animals,

  (5) insect n. 昆虫

  (6) brood n. 一窝所孵的幼雏


  (1) Can you see swallows easily now? Why?

  (2) In what way can we protect (保护) this kind of animal?


  Long ago, dogs and horses were tamed to become mans helpers on land.  Today some people believe that dolphins may become mans helpers in the sea .

  Proof that a dolphin can be trained to assist man appeared in 1965.  The U.S. Navy used the services of a seven-foot dolphin, Tuffy.

  Tuffy worked with divers at the Navys Man-in-the-Sea station off the coast of California. He acted as messenger to a ten-man team whose underwater home was Sealab II, 205 feet deep.

  Wearing a plastic harness, Tuffy carried letters in a waterproof tube.  He also carried tools for the undersea workers. Tuffy learned to answer calls for help.  Pretending to be lost, an aquanaut would sound a buzzer.  Another aquanaut would fasten one end of a line to Tuffys harness .Tuffy would speed to the rescue.

  More and more , it seems likely that old tales of dolphins willingness to help man are closer to truth than to fiction .

1. The land animals dolphins are compared to are

  A. oxen and horses   B. dogs and cats

  C. dogs and horses   D. None of the above

2. The name of the trained dolphin was

  A.  Toughy B.  Tuffy C. Tufty D.      None of the above

3. The services of the dolphin were used by the

  A. Government of California  B. U.S. Army

  C.  U.S. Navy     D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography

4. The article does not say that

  A. the station was named Sealab II B. the stations depth was 205 feet

  C. ten men were in the underwater team D. the men spent fifteen days at the station

5. For all his chores, the dolphin

  A. wore a plastic harness  B.   carried a waterproof tube

  C. carried a line      D.  carried tools

6. The signal for the dolphins rescue chore was a

  A.  shout  B. bell  C. buzzer  D. whistle

7. The purpose of the line the dolphin took was to

  A. save the aquanaut from drowning

  B. lead the aquanaut back to the others

  C. help the aquanaut to guide the dolphin

  D. carry a light to the aquanaut

8. The author suggests that this modern example makes old tales about dolphins seem

  A. more truth than fiction    B. more fiction than truth

  C. half truth and half fiction  D. entirely fiction


  1.  C 2. B 3. C 4.  D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A



  As regard health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness. I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I cannot keep awake. I never do anything whatever on the ground(实际上) that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome(有益健康的).

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英语教案-A doctor for animals