

浏览次数: 656次| 发布日期:06-12 13:09:01 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 英语教案-Travel,

  — How are you?

  — Fine,thanks. What about you?/And you?

  — Im fine,too. Thank you.

  ★ 结束时用告别语:Goodbye! /Bye. /See you(tomorrow).等。

  另外,在通话过程中可用May I help you?表示可以帮忙,Thats very kind of you. 表示感谢,Yes,that would be fine. 表示同意。



Lesson 13

Language Focus:

  1. Useful expressions:

  Right now, That’s very kind of you. as soon as possible, except, leave a message, many thanks, between… and…

  2. Grammar: The Object Clause.

  He says that he wants to speak to the headmaster.

  He says that he wont be free until tomorrow.

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector, Pictures

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

  Get the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions

  2. Learn the new grammar: The Object Clause

  3. Learn to make dialogues using the Object Clause

II. Revision

  1. Check homework.

  2. Revise the Present Perfect Tense. Ask: Have you ever been to mountain Emei?

  How long have you been there? See if the students can answer them correctly.

  3. Revise how to make a telephone call. Ask the students what they will say in the telephone call, help the students to answer with “Hello.” “Could I speak to…?” “This is…speaking.” “Who’s  that, please?” write them on the blackboard.

III. Presentation

  Take out two telephone sets, make a telephone call with the students. Ask one best student to answer the telephone:


  T: Could I speak to Mrs Yang, Please?

  S: I’m sorry. She isnt in. May I help you?

  T: That’s very kind of you. I hope to see her on Friday. Could you take a message for me?

  S: Certainly.

  T: Many thanks. Goodbye.

  S: It’s my pleasure.

  Have the students practise in pairs, make sure they can make the dialogue freely.

IV. Listen, read and act

  Part 1. Speech Casette. Play the tape for the students to listen, then play the tape again for the students to repeat.

  Have the students read the dialogue in pairs and ask two or three groups to read.

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