

浏览次数: 656次| 发布日期:06-12 13:09:01 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 英语教案-Travel,


  Hello, could I/may I speak to Carter Bronte?
  Hello, is Mr. Parley in?
  Hello, this is John here (speaking). Whos that (speaking)?
  Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等。
  He is on another phone. 他正在接听另一通电话。
  May I ask who is calling? 请问是谁?
  Is that John (speaking) ? 你是约翰吗?
  Sorry, but he is not here at this moment. 对不起,他不在。
  The line is bad, please speak a little louder.
  Someone wants you on the phone. 您的电话。
  Could I take a message for you? 我替您留个口信好吗?
  Do you want to leave a message? 您想留个口信吧?
  He is not in right now. Would you call back? 他不在,你(一会儿)再打过来好吗?
  Ill hang up now, bye! 我挂了,再见!

Someone says练习

  H: I think that the weather will be nice this weekend.

www.yf1234.com   T: We should go somewhere.
  H: I think that we should go somewhere.
  T: We should drive to the beach.
  H: I think that we should drive to the beach.
  T: Itll be a good trip.
  H: I think that itll be a good trip.
  T: Youll enjoy it.
  H: I think that youll enjoy it.

  Play games someone says sentence, then asks one student to repeat it, begin with:
  Polly says…
  T: I want to see Miss Yang.
  S1: Polly says that she wants to see Miss Yang.
  T: I want to read English as soon as possible.
  S2: Polly says that she wants to read English as soon as possible.
  T: I will go to Beijing soon.
  S3: Polly says that she will go to Beijing soon.

Teacher says…

  The teacher says a word, have the students ask and answer in pairs. For example:
  The teacher says: The girl is reading English. The students may ask and answer like:
  SA: What does the teacher say?
  SB: She says that the girl is reading English.
  T: I want to eat an apple.
  SA: What does the teacher say?
  SB: The teacher says that she wants to have an apple.

  1. He isnt able to come today.
  2. I want to speak to my son.
  3. We are going to Mount Emei.
  4. Im free every day except today.
  5. Ill leave a message on the desk.


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