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八年级英语Blind man and eyes in fire drama教案3

浏览次数: 885次| 发布日期:06-12 13:06:21 | 八年级英语教案
标签:人教版八年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 八年级英语Blind man and eyes in fire drama教案3,
d. Answer the questions according to the passage.
⑶.Post-reading: a. Ask them to retell the story with their own words and useful expressions that I have given them.
b. Divide the students into groups in four and ask them what they can learn from this lesson.
Step 5 Homework
Ask the students to write down the story in their own words and if they still have some difficulties in this lesson, they can contact me through blog.
Step 6 Blackboard design:
Blind man and eyes in fire drama
Main characters: The blind man and his dog
Main plot: How to get rid of the fire accident at a hotel

Part Four: Teaching Reflection
1. Highlights:
 I with my Ss develop a new usage for the blog as a platform for us to communicate. It is superior to the traditional email communication. Ss can raise questions before they have the lesson, and can solve these questions in the class either individually or by group discussion. It is beneficial for Ss to develop the ability in self-learning and self-solving problems through involvement, cooperation and inquiry. At the same time, teachers have the superiority to administrate the operation of their own blog; Teachers can offer more related information for the extension of quick Ss in the class and give slow Ss individual instructions and self-improving suggestions. As for the interaction of Ss themselves, they can share what they thought, got and puzzled together.
2. Improvements:
Due to the different levels of the students, some activities are too difficult for weaker ones. So I must give them more guidance and concern.

原文地址 http://www.yf1234.com

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八年级英语Blind man and eyes in fire drama教案3