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八年级英语A dangerous servant教案1

浏览次数: 532次| 发布日期:06-12 13:06:09 | 八年级英语教案
标签:人教版八年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 八年级英语A dangerous servant教案1,
3. Get them to set up self-confidence in language study and improve their speaking abilities by reading.
4. Get deeper understanding of the reading material. Post- task 1 Summary
C.Encourage any possible questions. 1.Go over this lesson.
2.Do the exercises.
3.Ask questions if
necessary. 1.Consolidate the contents for this lesson.
2.Encourage them to have doubts while learning. 2 Assignment
Explain the homework. Understand the homework assignment. 1.Promote the love for science. 3.A proverb:
A frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.
Translate. 2. Encourage the life-long learning and improvement. 4.Evaluation
Get the students to evaluate their study effectiveness and fill in the form Fill in the evaluation chart Make a complete and compulsary
evaluation by respecting and respecting
both the course and the end.

Build up the self- confidence for the
students and motivate them to study
harder better and harder by knowing
themselves well.
VI Blackboard design
Charpter 3 A dangerous servant

wire power station
bubble be connected with Use electricity carefully.
Appendix. Give the students before class.

Name Date
A. Very good.(优) B. Good. (良) C. Not bad. (合格)D. Need improvement. (还需努力)
学生自评 小组互评 教师总评 掌握基本知识 认真听讲 主动与同伴合作 积极提问

原文地址 http://www.yf1234.com

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八年级英语A dangerous servant教案1