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I’ve been studying history in China教案

浏览次数: 980次| 发布日期:06-12 13:05:01 | 八年级英语教案
标签:人教版八年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com I’ve been studying history in China教案,
____________________________________ 让学生体会真实情境,学会交际使用,训练说的能力。
(4)任务三:拓展阅读extensive reading (9分钟)
People will certainly have different problems when they move to a new country. Lu visited England last week. But he was so worried and upset, because he always did the wrong things. Do you know why?
限时阅读:5分钟内,阅读一篇《Old Customs》的文章,回答问题。
Read an article “ Old Customs“, answer the questions(Time limit:5 minutes)(见附件二)
(5)任务四:Production写作训练writing practice(10 分钟)
根据上述文章的理解,针对Lu所遇到的问题,写一封信给他提建议。Write a short letter to Lu, give him some advice to help solve the problems.
(6)互动评价assessment ( 5 分钟)
A. 很好 B. 较好 C. 一般 D.需努力
评估项目及内容 评估情况 阅读方法的掌握情况 A B C D 阅读效率 A B C D 勇于发表自己的见解 A B C D 能够与他人合作 A B C D 综合评估 A B C D
(7)作业布置homework (1 分钟)
Unit 6 Reading I‘ve been studying history in China。
This is really an interesting city with a very colorful history.
Be welcomed by the Song Emperor.
I think if you study hard, you‘ll be able to understand any culture.
The more..., the more....
I‘m certain I will be here for ....
If I move to a foreign country, I‘ll miss Chinese food.

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I’ve been studying history in China教案