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I’ve been studying history in China教案

浏览次数: 980次| 发布日期:06-12 13:05:01 | 八年级英语教案
标签:人教版八年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com I’ve been studying history in China教案,
⑴遵循人类认识过程的普遍规律和学生认识活动的特点。 ⑵教师为主导,学生为主体。
问题设计范例: Where do you come from? Hong long have you been living in China? Are there any difficulties you‘re facing? How do you deal with them? Do you enjoy living here? Why?
(2)任务一: 语篇阅读即课文处理passage reading(10分钟)
Pre-task: leading-in 播放一段著名外籍演员大山的相声(cross talk),同时呈现一些著名外籍在华人士的图片。导入新课,激发兴趣。
Who is the actor of the cross talk? Do you know the men in the pictures? Are there any similarities between them?
通过观察,学生很容易得出:They‘re all famous foreigners. They all live in China.的结论,进而导入新课。
Today we‘re going to learn a story about a foreigner in China.
While-task: presentation 阅读
①. 猜测Guessing:根据标题和图片猜测文章大意. look at the title and picture, and predict what you will read about。复习运用UNIT1所学的阅读策略,为下一步阅读做准备。
②. 听音listening:听课文录音,完成表格。Listen to the tape and fill the chart about personal information of the writer. 听力训练,初步感知课文,了解基本信息。
Name Nationality Place Job Family root Studying subject hope ③. 扫读 scanning: 扫读文章,查找所需的细节信息,完成3a练习。Scan the text quickly to find some details and finish exercise 3a. 训练阅读技巧 ,加深对文章的理解。
Post-task: 启发式问答ask and answer:
What do you think of Leo? Do you think he will live happily in China? Why do you think so?

I’ve been studying history in China教案由www.yf1234.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.yf1234.com
www.yf1234.com 根据问题独立发表看法,自由发言,同时引入下一环节。
(3)任务二:小组讨论group discussion(10分钟)
Pre-task: 热身准备 warming-up : What is a foreigner‘s life like in China? Do they have any problems分小组报告课前采访内容, 介绍部分老外在华或华人在外的生活情况。Share the interview feelings with other groups.
While-task: 小组讨论group discussion: 根据采访内容,结合文章意思,分组讨论以下问题,完成表格:
①. What problems might you have living in a foreign country?
②. What problems do you think a foreigner might have in China?
If I move to a foreign country... If a foreigner moves to China... __________________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________________

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I’ve been studying history in China教案