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英语教案-Charlie Chaplin

浏览次数: 950次| 发布日期:06-12 13:19:38 | 高二英语教案
标签:人教版高二英语教案,高中英语教案,英语教案网,http://www.yf1234.com 英语教案-Charlie Chaplin,


In 1889

Born in London

In 1894

First acted

In 1897

Joined a group of child dancers

In 1906

17 years old and set off for the USA

In 1912

A second trip to the USA

By the end of 1914

Made 35 films

From 1915 to 1918

Made 27 films

In 1919

Started a film company


The Gold Rush was made

Between 1940and 1966

 Made only six films



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英语教案-Charlie Chaplin