(1)the remains of animals and plants 动植物死后遗留下来的东西
(2)from its head to the end of its tail 从头到尾
(3)step on… 踩……
(4)swoop/swu:p/ v.飞扑,猛扑
(5)leathery adj. 坚韧的
1. 英文日记的格式:日记一般没有标题,也无需落款。通常在左上角,写出日期和星期,星期在前,日期在后。日期的顺序常为:月、日、年。也可以在右上角,写出天气。
2. 叙事为主的日记必须从表达中心思想的需要出发,讲清事情,使读者明白所讲的是什么样的人,怎样的事。同时注意把必要的时间、地点交代明白。事情总是随着时间的进程发展变化的,所以记事常常按照事情发生、发展和结局的时间顺序来写。有的事应该详写,有的可以略写;有的适宜直接述说,有的可以借人物对话来反映,这些都从表达中心的需要和效果来考虑。整篇文章要写得完整、清晰、有条理,使读者读后留下深刻的印象。叙述事件的语言要生动、形象。语言风格也可以风趣、幽默,也可辅之以表达作者的感情和态度。
3. 记事的记叙文一般都用过去时态,因为它叙述的都是发生过的事,但根据需要部分内容也可用一般现在时;在人称使用上,本人的经历或耳闻目睹的事件用第一人称;表示他人的经历和事件用第三人称。
Saturday May 12 sunny
Our class visited the Palace Museum in Beijing today. It took us an hour to get there by bus. All of us were very excited.
After we put on specially-made shoes, we orderly walked into the entrance and watched the things on show carefully. Some of them were hundreds of years old, and they looked beautiful. For example, a real queen’s hat. It was made of gold and pearls. It was one of the most important relics and it was priceless. The gold string and pearls shone so brightly by the light that many students stopped to have a look at it. We were deeply moved by the ancient Chinese people. How clever they were!
One of us was too excited to control her feeling. She asked the girl working there if she could try it on. It made us laugh a lot and her face turned red. How funny it was!
What else impressed me was a blanket made of trunks. It was a tribute from India to China. You know there were elephants living there and the Indian King wanted to express his respect and thanks to our country. It was so thin that it looked transparent and must be comfortable to sit or sleep on it during the hottest season.
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英语教案-When was it built?