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Unit 5 Can I help you?-Lesson 28

浏览次数: 511次| 发布日期:06-12 12:51:32 | 小学六年级英语教案
标签:六年级英语教案,小学英语教案,英语教案模板,http://www.yf1234.com Unit 5 Can I help you?-Lesson 28,
Lesson 28

  【课题】Lesson 28


  1. 准确、流利的朗读并表演课文对话。

  2. 在情景中使用Who are you?和We look like each other.

  【难点】look like的正确使用。


  1. 头饰:cat、owl。

  2. 相关媒体资料。


  1. Warm up:

  Sing the song:OLD MACDONALD

  2. Presentation:

  教师戴上cat的头饰,说:Hello,I’m your new friend. My name is Mimi. I’m a cat. Who are you? 引导学生用I’m…向Mimi介绍自己。(反复用Who are you?问几个学生,向学生渗透句子含义)

  分别请几个学生戴上cat的头饰用Who are you?和其他同学做问答练习。

  教师戴上owl的头饰,引导学生用Who are you?提问,教师回答:I’m an owl.同时引导学生学习单词owl。

  呈现图像资料(look like.jpg),学生两人一组,每人分别选择图像中一个动物角色用Who are you?I’m…做对话练习。

  呈现图像资料(课文配图Lesson 28-1.jpg),教师说:Look, this is a cat. This is an owl. The cat looks like the owl, and the owl looks like the cat. They look like each other.

  再次呈现图像资料(1),  教师继续指图叙述:The horse and the zebra look like each other. The duck and the goose look like each other.引导学生理解look like的意思。

  教师领读:look like  注意音素[k]的爆破处理。

  让学生在班里找找外貌和自己有些相似的同学,两个人站在一起对大家说:We look like each other.

  3. Let’s practise:

  让学生看图(课文配图Lesson 28-1.jpg),提问图中是什么情景。


  教师打开图像资料(look like.jpg),先分别和几个学生做对话

  A:Hello,who are you?

  B:I am a….(fish).  Who are you?

  A:I’m a …(tadpole).  We look like each other.



  4. Learn to say:


  教师打开图像资料(课文配图Lesson 28-1.jpg):What can you see in this picture? What are they talking?




  a、Where is the cat standing?    (On a wall under the tree.)


  b、Where is the owl sitting?     (In the tree.)

  c、What are they doing?         (They are talking.)

  d、Do the cat and the owl look like each other? (Yes,they do.)



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Unit 5 Can I help you?-Lesson 28