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高二Lesson 74 教学设计方案

浏览次数: 501次| 发布日期:06-12 13:21:57 | 高二英语教案
标签:人教版高二英语教案,高中英语教案,英语教案网,http://www.yf1234.com 高二Lesson 74 教学设计方案,

Ⅹ. 板书设计

  1. set an example to

  2. earn some money / make some money

  3. in any form / of any kind

  4. achieve his goal

  5. spend(time/money)…on sth. / in doing sth.

  6. forced sb. to do sth.

Ⅺ. Workbook

  Use the Ex. 1 for consolidating the text.

  Do the Ex. 2 orally in class. Then write down the answers on the Bb.

Ⅻ. Exercises in class

  Fill in the blacks with the phrases given in the box, change the form if necessary set an example to, treat…as, over and over again, join in, make a speech, put…in prison

  1. Law-breakers ______.

  2. I read the English text ______ yesterday.

  3. Mr. Yang ______ his colleagues by his hard working spirit.

  4. The Atlantic ______ Europe ______ America.

  5. We ______ with them to build the library.

  6. The Brows ______ me ______ one of the family.

Answers: 1. were put in the prison,

    2. over and over again,

    1. set an example to,

    2. joins to,

    3. made a speech,

    4. treat…as


  Read the passage again.

  Finish off the workbook exercises.

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高二Lesson 74 教学设计方案

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