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Where would you like to visit教案

浏览次数: 874次| 发布日期:06-12 13:11:01 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com Where would you like to visit教案,

Where would you like to visit教案由www.yf1234.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.yf1234.com
www.yf1234.com ________________________________________________________________________
3.总结would like的用法以及相似的结构______________________________________.
1. Hawaii is a_________ (tourist) place.
2. I hope_________(make) more friends in China.
(  )3. I'd like to visit Sydney _________ my next vacation.
         A.for             B.on             C.at              D.in
(  )4. What _________ can you tell me?A.other  B.else  C.the other     D.others
(        )5.—Would you like to go out for a walk with us?
       —_____, but I must finish my homework first.
         A.Of course not   B.That's all right  C.I'd love to  D.Yes,I do
_________ _________to stay a place with a big pool.
_________ would you like to go _________ your next _________?
________ _______would you like to_____ _______this summer?
9.我希望游览夏威夷。I hope _________ _________ Hawaii one day.

A.You are welcome.       B. It’s good for swimming.
C.I’d like to visit Hawaii with my parents.D. I hope you will achieve your dream.
E.Yes, I’d like to.     F. Oh, I’m going to beaches, swimming, relaxing…

M:: What’s your dream?
W: (1)_                                    ___________
M: That sounds interesting. What are you doing there?
W: (2)_                                     ___________            
M: How is the weather there?
W: It’s fine. And it's always sunny and hot.

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Where would you like to visit教案