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九年级英语It was a quiet country village教案

浏览次数: 358次| 发布日期:06-12 13:10:34 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 九年级英语It was a quiet country village教案,
●Read the story carefully and answer the questions. 1. How old was Zhang Bei? 2. Where was she? 3.Was she happy or not? Why? 4.What happened one day? 5.What did the boy do? 6.How did Zhang Bei feel? 7.What did she begin to do? 8.What does she think now? ●Choose the best answer     这一步设计了8个细节理解题,旨在让学生细读课文,达到既理解故事,又能用自己的语言进行表达的目的,主要训练学生的阅读理解能力。     通过此练习,让学生进一步理解课文。 Step 5. Discussion     ●First let Ss discuss the following questions 1. Where do you live? In the centre of town, in a suburb, in a village or in the countryside? 2. What can you see from your classroom window? Fields and hills, or blocks of flats and offices? 3. How close are you to the nearest shops and the local hospital? 4. Who makes the laws in your town? Who pays the taxes? 5 How much crime is there in your town? ●    Then make three suggestions of ways to improve the situation.               让学生通过讨论认识到现实生活中存在的一些问题,并有所思考,进而提出建议,增强他们的保护地球的意识。 Step 6. Free talk  1.What is your city’s problem? 2. What causes the problem? 3. What to do to help the city? 这一步是语言输出的过程,不仅训练了学生说的能力,更重要的是让学生综合运用所学的语言知识,达到学了就用的目的。 Step 7. Writing •        Write about a problem your city has. Use the problems in Activity 5 to help you. •        Cause: more people •        Effect: more shops, more jobs, more visitors, more serious pollution, more crime, more crowded…           训练学生的写作能力 Step 8. Homework 1. Write the passage about the problem and how to improve it. 2. Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes. (P90-2)  

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九年级英语It was a quiet country village教案