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第五册lesson plan

浏览次数: 320次| 发布日期:06-12 13:08:45 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.yf1234.com 第五册lesson plan,
Ⅵ. Design for exercises:
1)Revise the dialogues in lesson 49 .
2)Write the new words .
3)Finish the workbook esercises. Do Ex 2,3 in the exercise book .
2、Additional exercises :
1、一只红色的风筝  2、一朵黄色的花
3、一辆蓝色的小汽车 4、一只黑色的猫
5、一只白色的鸟  6、一个绿色的苹果
B)Fill in the blank:
A:What's          over there?
B:                ?
A:Over there,               the hill.
B:          a car.
A:                              is it ?
B:It's red. It's a red                  .
A:Is           a car , too ?
B:             ,  it  is .
A:What colour is it ?
B:It's               . It's a black car.

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