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Unit 6 Revision-Lesson 34

浏览次数: 703次| 发布日期:06-12 12:52:12 | 小学六年级英语教案
标签:六年级英语教案,小学英语教案,英语教案模板,http://www.yf1234.com Unit 6 Revision-Lesson 34,




  5.  猜谜语:


  教师提问:When it is young,what does it have?

            When it grows up,what does it have?



  Riddles:1、It has a very long neck.  It eats leaves.  (giraffe)

          2、It is clever. It can swim in the water, but it is not a fish. (dolphin)

          3、It has a long tail. It is naughty. It likes playing in the tree. (monkey)

          4、It often hops. Its tail is strong.  It carries its baby in its pouch. (kangaroo)

          5、It has a long trunk and two big ears. Its ears like two fans. (elephant)

          6、It is larger and fierce(凶猛的).  It likes to eat small animals. It is the king of the animals
6. 板书设计:

The  Hare  And  The  Tortoise (2)

Hare:runs very fast          Tortoise:goes very slowly

(图)comes to a tall tree   (图)  I can’t stop

have a short sleep            I must go on

I must hurry                  sitting under the tree and waiting

runs to the tall tree         for the hare    

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Unit 6 Revision-Lesson 34